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Monday, November 14, 2011

Review: Hydrive Alertness Formula

It's a little tart and very sugary and has an interesting after-taste. Had a cold while drinking it but the taste of the kiwi-strawberry was so strong I was able to taste it anyways. It did a really good job of hiding the caffeine taste. The whole drink itself tastes like a thing of flavored bottled water. Which don't get me wrong is not a bad thing at all. There's a certain brand of such that I guzzle down by the truckload when the craving strikes.

The strawberry taste is a lot more pronounced than the kiwi but both flavors are there. The drink as a whole went down smoothly as if it was only flavored water. I didn't notice any effects very quickly and decided to drink HYDRIVE while playing Skyrim late at night. I figured I might as well try it then as I needed to be alert or at least awake to play.

The whole thing has 145 mg of caffeine. I had ingested more than that the entire day from my mountain dew Game Fuel. Didn't drink it very fast so that I could try to lengthen the effects of the drink for playing my game all through the night.

As I got lower down into the bottle the drink started getting a little more tart which gave me cause to guzzle it instead of sip it like I had been doing. I ended up not drinking the whole thing in one night so I saved it for later. It tastes a lot better when it's ice cold than when it's room temperature as I found out. But most drinks do indeed taste crispier and more refreshing when they're cold.

At the end of the bottle I could feel a bit of the effects but really it wasn't as massive as I was expecting. It's a low calorie drink as well, being only 30 calories which makes the drink a step above a lot of other energy drinks that I have tried. This combined with the rather nice taste and the 145mg of caffeine makes it a good drink to try if you want to keep hydrated and keep alert at the same time. If you're looking for more of a bounce to your step, then go for something else.

Score: 8.5/10

Image courtesy of bevnet.com

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Create a Meebo Chat Room

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Yoda Flash Drive, it is.

I really, really want this flash drive. It's so epic. I love Yoda!


Monday, December 20, 2010

This Op is Black

Thanks to a headsup on Twitter, I was able to enter a contest to get a free Call of Duty Black Ops shirt. Now I already had one, but this is a different one. This one has just the Black Ops logo on the front. Bundled with it I received a code for 1600 microsoft points.

Everyone should check Jill out on Twitter for future contests. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Review: EBOOST

My friend over at Caffeineaholic.net gave me a sample of the orange EBOOST. I liked it but I knew there were different flavors. Not to mention I had kind of messed up with my orange EBOOST. So on Twitter I let the peeps of EBOOST know of my interest in the different flavors. When I received the package however I found a sample of the Acai-Pomegranate powder, the pink lemonade powder, and a Very Berry shot.

I decided that today I'll try out the Acai-Pomegranate. I finally got my bottle down to 8 ounces and poured the little tube in. As I did I watched it bubble and froth like something out of a horror movie. I let it do that for a little bit then I shook the bottle. It continued to bubble even after I stopped shaking it. Clearly carbonated.

I sniff at the acai-Pomegranate concoction now in my bottle. It smells pretty good, like a vitamin water. The smell isn't too overpowering but I know it's there.

I take a sip of it. It tastes like flattened carbonated Jones soda. It's still pretty damn good though. I can definitely see myself drinking it once a day for no reason at all other than it tastes good.

The energy boost is pretty good but nothing that gives me the jitters. I definitely think it's a good alternative to coffee as it's healthier but it doesn't give you the same kick. There's caffeine from green tea extract which is better as it didn't make me feel tired after 10 minutes. Caffeine does that to me sometimes. But this stuff didn't.

It has a lot of vitamins too, more than your daily dose needed. But you don't taste any of them at all. Just a nice fruit drink that gives you some energy.

I would suggest you try some out for yourself. So far I've had the orange and the acai-pomegranate. Both are superb. The orange tastes like orange gatorade almost. You can buy it here: EBOOST Shop

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dragon Dragon, rock the Dragon.

Dragon Ball Z! I am admittedly a fan of Dragonball Z and Dragon Ball before it. So, when Games Radar had a contest for 5 copies of Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 for the 360 I put my name in the hat. I forgot about it months later until I got an email informing me I won. I had totally forgotten and thought it was a scam at first then I double checked and it was right.

So sitting next to me I have a copy of Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2. What's ironic about it coming from Games Radar is because they gave the game a 5/10. But eh... whatever. Free game, yeah? Included in it is the anime movie Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate Super Saiyans. The box also says it has DLC to unlock Teen Gohan and Android 18. They call it exclusive but I don't really know what that means since every character list I've found says you can get them both in the game?

Anyways. A new game is always good. I've just heard bad things about the fighting controls and such and played the demo. We'll see what happens.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Extreme Energy Man! Part 1

Well. I don't have all of the caffeine I won/ordered, but 1 out of 3 boxes isn't bad. This stuff comes from my friend, Caffeineaholic. Today I got about half of what I need. Though that half can probably get me through the rest of December.

Among the items I'm most interested to try would be the energy shots, the pills, and the powders. I only have been drinking energy drinks like Monster and AMP with the occasional mint thanks to ThinkGeek.com. I'm most intrigued about the powders and pills.

Below is a quick snapshot of everything I received:

Who knows? Maybe I'll review some of them myself and paste it on this blog.